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We're an Open Book
The PFLP's Changing Role in the Middle East
Terrorism as a Challenge for National and International Law
Turkey and the War on Terror
Violence and Restraint in Civil War
Contemporary Turkish Foreign Policy
Kurdish Awakening
Autonomy, Sovereignty, and Self-Determination
The PKK-Kurdistan Workers’ Party’s Regional Politics
Driven to Death
Contested Lands
At Any Cost
The Tiger Vanquished
The Cyanide War
The Political Economy of Armed Conflict
Contending with Terrorism
Counterinsurgency and the Global War on Terror
HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Terrorism and the New War
Energy and Empire
The 9/11 Encyclopedia [2 volumes]
Jihad Incorporated
Modern Jihad
Jihad and Just War in the War on Terror
Guarding bin Laden
Dragons and Tigers
The Search for Al Qaeda
The Will to Freedom
The Foreign Policies of Middle East States
The Army of Madinah in Kashmir
Knights under the Banner of the Prophet
Saudi-Yemen Relations
The End of Empire in the Middle East
Losing Bin Laden
A History of Saudi Arabia
A History of Modern Yemen
Frontiers of the State in the Late Ottoman Empire
Ibn 'Arabi in the Later Islamic Tradition
Medieval Islamic Civilization
A Tale of Two Factions