Race, Rights, and Redemption: The Derrick Bell Lectures on the Law and Critical Race Theory |
Struggling with Evangelicalism: Why I Want to Leave and What It Takes to Stay |
We the Fallen People: The Founders and the Future of American Democracy |
Global Health Security: A Blueprint for the Future |
Women and Worship at Corinth |
 Brown Church Brown Church: Five Centuries of Latina/O Social Justice, Theology, and Identity |
 Junia Junia: The First Woman Apostle |
Ordained Women in the Early Church: A Documentary History |
African American Readings of Paul: Reception, Resistance, and Transformation |
The Ministry of Women in the New Testament: Reclaiming the Biblical Vision for Church Leadership |
Crispina and Her Sisters: Women and Authority in Early Christianity |
Bourgeois Babes, Bossy Wives, and Bobby Haircuts: A Case for Gender Equality in Ministry |
Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society |
A New Gospel for Women: Katharine Bushnell and the Challenge of Christian Feminism |
Segu - Maryse Condé
- Barbara Bray (Translator)
Long Live the Post Horn! - Vigdis Hjorth
- Charlotte Barslund (Translator)
Free: A Child and a Country at the End of History |
The Organ Thieves: The Shocking Story of the First Heart Transplant in the Segregated South |
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty |
Science in the Middle Ages |
 Emerging Gender Identities Emerging Gender Identities: Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Today's Youth - Mark Yarhouse
- Julia Sadusky
Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment |
The Child's Song: The Religious Abuse of Children |
What Does God Think? Transgender People and The Bible |
Understanding Transgender Identities |
Unexpected News: Reading the Bible With Third World Eyes |
Subversive Witness - Dominique DuBois Gilliard
Curiosities and (Un)common Sense from the Bible: 60 Devotions |
Evolutionary Medicine - S.C. Stearns
- Ruslan Medzhitov
Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God |
Compassion (&) Conviction - Justin Giboney
- Michael Wear
- Chris Butler
Chicago's Great Fire: The Destruction and Resurrection of an Iconic American City |
City of Scoundrels: The 12 Days of Disaster That Gave Birth to Modern Chicago |
Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why It Matters |
Zong! - Marlene NourbeSe Philip
- Setaey Adamu Boateng
Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation |
Trajectories of Justice: What the Bible Says about Slaves, Women, and Homosexuality |
 Biblical Truths Biblical Truths: The Meaning of Scripture in the Twenty-first Century |
"Mom, I'm Gay," Revised and Expanded Edition: Loving Your Lgbtq Child and Strengthening Your Faith |
No More Goodbyes: Circling the Wagons around Our Gay Loved Ones |
The Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety, and Public Witness |
Be the Bridge - Latasha Morrison
- Daniel Hill
- Jennie Allen
- LaTasha Morrison
 Trans-Gendered Trans-Gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith |
Science, Scripture, and Homosexuality |
Unprotected Texts: The Bible's Surprising Contradictions About Sex and Desire |
A Letter to My Congregation: An Evangelical Pastor's Path to Embracing People Who Are Gay, Lesbian and Transgender in the Company of Jesus |
The Myth of the American Dream |
Spirited: Affirming the Soul And Black Gay/lesbian Identity |
Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective |
Sex + Faith: Talking with Your Child from Birth to Adolescence |
 Do No Harm Do No Harm: Social Sin and Christian Responsibility |
A Lily Among the Thorns: Imagining a New Christian Sexuality |
The Greatest Taboo: Homosexuality in Black Communities |
 Night Shift Night Shift: Short Stories from the Life of an ER Doc |
Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis |
 Critical Care Critical Care: A New Nurse Faces Death, Life, and Everything in Between |
The Scalpel and the Silver Bear: The First Navajo Woman Surgeon Combines Western Medicine and Traditional Healing - Lori Arviso Alvord
- Elizabeth Cohen Van Pelt
Adventures of a Female Medical Detective - Mary Guinan
- Anne D. Mather
The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing, And The Human Condition |
The Measure of Our Days: A Spiritual Exploration of Illness |
When the Air Hits Your Brain: Tales of Neurosurgery |
Saving Face: Disfigurement and the Politics of Appearance |
The Look of a Woman: Facial Feminization Surgery and the Aims of Trans- Medicine |
The last duel a true story of crime, scandal, and trial by combat in medieval France |
Worldview Theory, Whiteness, and the Future of Evangelical Faith |