| 0 |
| 3.8 |
Masterminds of Programming | 3.5 |
Why Programs Fail: A Guide to Systematic Debugging | 1 |
Convex Optimization - Stephen Boyd
- Stephen P. Boyd
- Lieven Vandenberghe
| 0 |
The Computational Beauty of Nature | 3 |
Operating Systems - Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- Albert S. Woodhull
| 0 |
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware | 4.08 |
| 4.05 |
| 4.5 |
How to Design Programs, second edition - Matthias Felleisen
- Robert Bruce Findler
- Matthew Flatt
- Shriram Krishnamurthi
| 0 |
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web | 3.67 |
Applied Combinatorics on Words | 0 |
| 0 |
Things That Make Us Smart | 0 |
Structured Computer Organization - Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- Todd Austin
| 4 |
Design It! : Pragmatic Programmers: From Programmer to Software Architect | 4.5 |
Master Space and Time With JavaScript Book 1: The Basics | 3 |
Practical Vim : edit text at the speed of thought | 4.4 |
| 0 |
Master Space and Time With JavaScript Book 2: Objects in JavaScript | 3 |
| 4.2 |
Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices | 4.33 |
| 4.5 |
Hands-on Rust: Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play | 4 |
The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses | 3.4 |
| 3.8 |
Don't Make Me Think, Revisited | 4.12 |
| 0 |
Algorithmic Thinking, 2nd Edition: Learn Algorithms to Level Up Your Coding Skills | 0 |
| 0 |
Paradigms of artificial intelligence programming | 0 |
A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms,: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills | 4.36 |
Pattern Classification - Richard O. Duda
- Peter E. Hart
- David G. Stork
| 0 |
Mathematics for 3D game programming and computer graphics | 0 |
Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual | 3.33 |
Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing - Christopher Manning
- Hinrich Schutze
| 5 |
Introduction to Modern Cryptography: Principles and Protocols - Jonathan Katz
- Yehuda Lindell
| 0 |
JavaScript: The Good Parts | 4.06 |
Ptolus City by the Spire (Malhavoc) | 0 |
Data Structures the Fun Way: An Amusing Adventure with Coffee-Filled Examples | 0 |
Build Your Own Website: A Comic Guide to HTML, CSS, and WordPress | 0 |
A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science | 4.07 |
| 4.22 |
The Art of Lisp Programming | 0 |
The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology - Masaharu Takemura
- Sakura
- Becom Co. Ltd.
| 2 |
| 0 |
| 4.5 |
Build APIs You Won't Hate | 4.5 |
Real-World Bug Hunting: A Field Guide to Web Hacking | 4.33 |
Object Design - Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
- Alan McKean
| 0 |
Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications - Niels Ferguson
- Bruce Schneier
- Tadayoshi Kohno
| 4 |
| 4.75 |
Numerical Recipes in C Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing - William H. Press
- Brian P. Flannery
- Saul A. Teukolsky
- William T. Vetterling
| 3 |
| 3.5 |
| 0 |
| 4.25 |
Database Management Systems - Raghu Ramakrishnan
- Johannes Gehrke
| 0 |
| 3 |
The Power of Cult Branding - Matthew W. Ragas
- Bolivar J. Bueno
| 4 |
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information - Michael A. Nielsen
- Isaac L. Chuang
| 0 |
Types and Programming Languages | 4 |
Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis - Michael Mitzenmacher
- Eli Upfal
| 0 |
Introducing Elixir: Getting Started in Functional Programming - Simon St.Laurent
- J. David Eisenberg
| 3.67 |
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques - Ian H. Witten
- Eibe Frank
- Mark A. Hall
| 3 |
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp | 4 |
Design Patterns - Erich Gamma
- Ralph Johnson
- John Vlissides
- Richard Helm
| 4.06 |
| 0 |
Selected Papers on Fun and Games | 0 |
| 2.67 |
Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach | 0 |
The Thirst for Annihilation | 4 |
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big | 3.83 |
Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind | 3.48 |
The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery | 3.65 |
Cynical Theories - Helen Pluckrose
- James Lindsay
| 4.2 |
| 4.14 |
Psycho-Cybernetics, Updated and Expanded | 3.88 |
Writing Secure Code - Michael Howard
- David LeBlanc
| 0 |
How to Read a Book - Mortimer J. Adler
- Charles Van Doren
| 3.8 |
Slow Time Between the Stars | 4.16 |
Programming pearls - Jon L. Bentley
- Patrick Chan
| 3.33 |
The Revolt of The Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium | 4.1 |
| 3.67 |
Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout | 3.76 |
The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire | 3.73 |
Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age | 0 |
Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds | 4.24 |
The Power of Awareness: New Edition Incorporating Neville's Later Notes | 0 |
The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company | 4.5 |
Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning - Peter C. Brown
- Henry L. Roediger III
- Mark A. McDaniel
| 3.86 |
| 0 |
| 3 |
Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface - David A. Patterson
- John L. Hennessy
| 0 |
| 3.88 |
| 4 |
| 3.76 |
| 3.83 |
Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective | 3.6 |
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective - Randal E. Bryant
- David Richard O'Hallaron
| 4 |