Diez minutos antes de la medianoche : novela para muchachas y hombres tímidos
3.5 Mi querida hija Hildegart
4.5 4.27 3.8 Algo supuestamente divertido que nunca volveré a hacer
David Foster Wallace Javier Calvo (Translator) 0 El bigote
Esther Benítez (Translator) Emmanuel Carrère 3.33 3.25 Metafísica de los tubos
Amélie Nothomb Sergi Pàmies (Translator) 3.5 0 3.33 4.42 3.54 Criminalmente: La criminología como ciencia
0 3.9 Women Without Men: A Novel of Modern Iran
Shahrnush Parsipur Kamran Talattof (Translator) Jocelyn Sharlet (Translator) 5 3.94 5 Lo que los libros de Historia del Arte no quieren que sepas: Salseos artísticos y más
4.89 4.38 3.3 3.81 3.75 0 4.17 3.85 3.91 3.96 3.98 A Series of Unfortunate Events Box: The Complete Wreck
4.5 3.94 3.74 No Longer Human
Osamu Dazai Donald Keene (Translator) 3.86 3.85 3.81 3.95 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
3.35 3.98 The Merchant of Venice
William Shakespeare SparkNotes John Crowther 3.74 3.44 Emma
Jane Austen Therezinha Monteiro Deutsch (Translator) 3.95 4.14 3.98 4.29 4.03 Dead Souls
Nikolai Gogol Bernard Guilbert Guerney (Translator) 3.79 3.97 The Fall of the House of Usher - an Edgar Allan Poe Short Story
3.86 3.56 3.89 The Death of Ivan Ilych
Leo Tolstoy Aylmer Maude (Translator) رضی هیرمند (Translator) Ευγενία Ζήκου (Translator) 4.13 3.63 The Stranger
Albert Camus Matthew Ward (Translator) 3.93 3.83 Animal Farm
George Orwell Boris Grabnar (Translator) Celâl Üster (Translator) Celâl Üstüner (Translator) 4.04 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
Patrick Süskind John E. Woods (Translator) 3.91 3.8 The Metamorphosis
Franz Kafka Stanley Corngold (Translator) 3.79 The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Victor Hugo Walter J. Cobb (Translator) 3.79 4.01 Frankenstein
Mary Shelley Maciej Płaza (Translator) 4 0 White Nights
Fyodor Dostoevsky Fyodor Dostoyevsky 3.95 4.07 The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All 1
Sumiko Arai Carina Dallmeier (Translator) 4 3.57 3.54 Tragedias
Esquilo Αισχύλος Ι.Ν. Γρυπάρης (Translator) 0 3.82 Estupor y temblores
Amélie Nothomb Sergi Pàmies (Translator) 3 El amor dura tres años
Frédéric Beigbeder Sergi Pàmies (Translator) 4 The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea
3.71 Cuentos imprescindibles
Edgar Allan Poe José Luis López Muñoz (Translator) 0 3.57 3.56 My Year of Rest and Relaxation
3.75 4.1 The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
4.29 5 3.87 Trapped!
Robert K. Murray Roger W. Brucker 0 The Life and Death of Floyd Collins
Homer Collins John Lehrberger 0 Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done?
3.67 Sobre el mal
Agustín de Hipona Iván López Martín (Translator) 0 El Paraíso perdido
John Milton Abilio Echeverría (Translator) 3 3.79 The Golden Age of Piracy,
0 0 Sobre la astucia de las mujeres
0 Sobre la vejez de las mujeres
Marquesa de Lambert (translator) María Cayetana de la Cerda y Vera, condesa de Lalaing (Translator) 0 The Sad Ghost Club, Vol. 2
5 3.31 4 3.99 3.07 3.69 Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth
3.89 3.78 The Dark Powers of Tolkien: An illustrated Exploration of Tolkien's Portrayal of Evil, and the Sources that Inspired his Work from Myth, Literature and History
4 The End of the End of Everything
3 Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke And Other Misfortunes