The Battle of the Labyrinth |
Cordero: El evangelio según el mejor amigo de la infancia de Jesucristo |
La vida un misterio tremendamente hermoso - ¡Qué vaina tan buena es vivir! - Reinaldo Rodríguez Anzola
El arte de la felicidad - Dalai Lama XIV
- Howard C. Cutler
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
- Stanley Corngold (Translator)
Lao-Tseu. Tao Te King - Lao Tseu
- Christian Lirette (Translator)
Naruto, Vol. 4: Hero's Bridge |
Los Siete Mejores Cuentos Japoneses / the Seven Best Japanese Stories |
Chronicle of a Death Foretold - Gabriel García Márquez
- Gregory Rabassa (Translator)
The Tunnel - Ernesto Sábato
- Margaret Sayers Peden
The Story Of A Shipwrecked Sailor Who Drifted On A Life Raft For Ten Days |
Evighetskoden - Eoin Colfer
- Morten Hansen (Translator)
La venganza de Opal - Eoin Colfer
- Ana Alcaina (Translator)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe |
Brida - Paulo Coelho
- Montserrat Mira (Translator)
El Zahir - Paulo Coelho
- Ana Belén Costas (Translator)
Estúpidos hombres blancos - Michael Moore
- Miguel Izquierdo Ramón (Translator)
Death with Interruptions - José Saramago
- Margaret Jull Costa (Translator)
Viaje al centro de la tierra |
El Monje Que Vendió Su Ferrari - Robin S. Sharma
- Pedro Fontan (Translator)
La culpa es de la vaca: anécdotas, parábolas, fábulas y reflexiones sobre el liderazgo - Jaime Lopera Gutiérrez
- Marta Inés Bernal Trujillo
Blindness - José Saramago
- Giovanni Pontiero (Translator)
Duelo en Chinatown - William C. Gordon
- Tamara Somoza (Translator)
El Peregrino: Diario de un Mago |
El Demonio y La Senorita Prym |
Veronika Decides to Die - Margaret Jull Costa (Translator)
- Paulo Coelho
El Monje en el Huerto. La vida y el genio de Gregor Mendel, padre de la genética. |
The Hedge Knight: The Graphic Novel - George R.R. Martin
- Ben Avery
- Mike S. Miller
Superheroes: The Best of Philosophy and Pop Culture |
Death Note: Black Edition, Vol. 2 - Tsugumi Ohba
- Takeshi Obata
- Yuki Kowalsky (translator)
Death Note, Vol. 2: Confluence - Tsugumi Ohba
- Pookie Rolf (Translator)
The Invention of Hugo Cabret |
Death Note, Vol. 3: Hard Run |
El curioso caso de Benjamin Button - F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Carlos Milla Soler (Translator)
Balzac Y La Joven Costurera China |
Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1: Scott's Precious Little Life |
Scott Pilgrim Vol. 2: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World |
Injustice: Gods Among Us #2 |
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time |
Injustice: Gods Among Us (Digital Edition) #8 |
Injustice: Gods Among Us (Digital Edition) #6 |
Injustice: Gods Among Us (Digital Edition) #9 |
Injustice: Gods Among Us #4 |
Injustice: Gods Among Us #5 |
Injustice: Gods Among Us #3 |
Injustice: Gods Among Us (Digital Edition) #7 |
El ángel más tonto del mundo |
The Lightning Thief: The Graphic Novel |
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz |
The Perks of Being a Wallflower |