Liza Grimm

Liza Grimm

Liza Grimm has written at least 5 books. Their most popular book is Totenschiff with 1 save with an average rating of 4⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Fantasy and Young Adult Fiction.


3 primary books

Authored 67% of series


Talus is a 3-book series with 3 primary works first released in 2014 with contributions by Graham Edwards and Liza Grimm.

Talus and the Frozen King
Die Magie des Würfels
Die Runen der Macht


2 primary books

Authored 0% of series

Eine märchenhafte Anthologie

Eine märchenhafte Anthologie is a 2-book series with 2 primary works first released in 2017 .

In Hexenwäldern und Feentürmen
Von Flusshexen und Meerjungfrauen


0 released books

Authored 0% of series

HORDE: Das erste Zeitalter

HORDE: Das erste Zeitalter is a 0-book series with contributions by PhunkRoyal, Pandorya, and 2 others.