No Particular Night or Morning |
One More Body in the Pool |
Morte a Venice - Ray Bradbury
- Giuseppe Lippi (Translator)
Horroriana: 24 storie di paura - Brian Lumley
- Clark Ashton Smith
- George Langelaan
- Richard Matheson
- August Derleth
- Fritz Leiber
- Frank Belknap Long
- Ray Bradbury
- Hanns Heinz Ewers
- Stephen King
- David H. Keller
- William Hope Hodgson
- Carl Jacobi
- Giuseppe Lippi (Translator)
- Piero Anselmi (Translator)
- Guido Zurlino (Translator)
- Silvia Sereni (Translator)
- Robert E. Howard
- Robert Bloch
- Murray Leinster
- Ramsey Campbell
- Henry Kuttner
Включи Нощта - Ray Bradbury
- Рей Бредбъри
- Десислава Сивилова (Translator)
Cuentos del Futuro - Ray Bradbury
- Juan Ribalta (Translator)
Φαρενάιτ 451 - Ray Bradbury
- Ρέυ Μπράντμπερυ
- Βασίλης Δουβίτσας (Translator)
Другое небо: Сборник зарубежной научной фантастики - Eric Frank Russell
- Ray Bradbury
- Anthony Boucher
- Poul Anderson
- Robert Silverberg
- John Brunner
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Stanisław Lem
- Fredric Brown
- Robert Sheckley
- Theodore R. Cogswell
- Alfred Bester
- Bob Shaw
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Damon Knight
Transit of Earth - Arthur C. Clarke
- John Atherton
- J.G. Ballard
- Ray Bradbury
- Fredric Brown
- Avram Davidson
- Thomas M. Disch
- Richard Matheson
- Frederik Pohl
- William Sambrot
- William Tenn
Давайте все убьем Констанцию |
Um Cemitério para Lunáticos |
Las maquinarias de la alegría - Ray Bradbury
- Aurora Bernárdez (Translator)
Mensajes de la era del ordenador - Isaac Asimov
- Ray Bradbury
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Frederik Pohl
- Ben Bova
- Harlan Ellison
- Joe Haldeman
- John Sladek
- Ralph Mylius
- Robert E. Vardeman
- Roger Zelazny
- Susan Casper
- Barry N. Malzberg
- Charles L. Grant
- David Bischoff
- Gordon R. Dickson
- Gregory Benford
The Ray Bradbury Science Fiction MEGAPACK® |
Ray Bradbury: The Illustrated Man, The October Country & Other Stories |
Viaggi nello spazio - J.G. Ballard
- Robert Bloch
- Ray Bradbury
- Fredric Brown
- Philip K. Dick
- Richard Matheson
- Emilio Salgari
- Robert Sheckley
- Mr. Vivenair
- Voltaire
- Stanley G. Weinbaum
- H. G. Wells
- H. P. Lovecraft
Viaggi nel tempo - Ray Bradbury
- Stanley G. Weinbaum
- H. G. Wells
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Philip K. Dick
- Washington Irving
- Juan Manuel
- Edward Page Mitchell
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Mack Reynolds
- William Tenn
The Unspeakable People: Twenty of the World's Best Horror Stories - Peter Haining
- August Derleth
- Matthew Gregory Lewis
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Henry Spicer
- R.H. Benson
- Henry S. Whitehead
- Wallace West
- George Fielding Eliot
- Robert Bloch
- John Wyndham
- Henry Kuttner
- Theodore Sturgeon
- C.S. Forester
- Jane Rice
- Richard Hughes
- Ray Bradbury
- Tennessee Williams
- Dennis Wheatley
- Laurence James
- H. P. Lovecraft
Fever Dream And Other Fantasies |
The Ghosts' Companion: a Haunting Anthology - Peter Haining
- M.R. James
- H.R. Wakefield
- O. Henry
- Algernon Blackwood
- Rudyard Kipling
- Lafcadio Hearn
- Arthur Machen
- Daphne du Maurier
- Hammond Innes
- August Derleth
- Richard Hughes
- Dennis Wheatley
- Fritz Leiber
- Joan Aiken
- Ray Bradbury
Remembrance: Selected Correspondence of Ray Bradbury |
Space Odyssey: an Anthology of Great Science Fiction Stories - Arthur C. Clarke
- John Wyndham
- Robert A. Heinlein
- Ray Bradbury
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Scott Rohan
- Robert Sheckley
- Thomas M. Disch
- Theodore Sturgeon
- A.E. van Vogt
- Kurt Vonnegut
- R.A. Lafferty
- Paul Anderson
- Rachel Pollack
- Carter Scholz
- Philip K. Roth
- Fredric Brown
- Roger Zelazny
- John C. Campbell
- Fritz Leiber
- H. G. Wells
- J.G. Ballard
- Frederik Pohl
- Alan E. Nourse
3 nouvelles de science-fiction - Ray Bradbury
- Isaac Asimov
- Pierre Bordage
Смъртта е занимание самотно - Ray Bradbury
- Рей Бредбъри
- Жени Божилова (Translator)
Fahrenheit 451 és más történetek - Ray Bradbury
- Imre Lóránd (Translator)
- Zoltán Pék (Translator)
- Krisztina Török (Translator)
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury |
Futuria Fantasia - Henry Hasse
- Antony Corvais
- Guy Amory
- Erick Freyor
- Emil Petaja
- E.T. Pine
- Ross Rockylyn
- Lyle Monroe
- J.E. Kelleam
- Hank Kuttner
- J.H. Haggard
- Ron Reynolds
- Damon Knight
- Hannes V. Bok
- Ray Bradbury
Słoneczne Wino - Ray Bradbury
- Anna Przedpełska-Trzeciakowska (Translator)
Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes |
Ray Bradbury - Jonathan R. Eller
- Ray Bradbury
- William F. Touponce
- Kent State University Press
Novels & Story Cycles: The Martian Chronicles / Fahrenheit 451 / Dandelion Wine / Something Wicked This Way Comes |
Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury |
Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines: A Fable |
Tomorrow's Children - Mark Clifton
- Lewis Padgett
- Robert Sheckley
- Margaret St. Clair
- Clifford D. Simak
- William Lee
- James H. Schmitz
- Zenna Henderson
- Philip K. Dick
- Gertrude Friedberg
- Ray Bradbury
- Jerome Bixby
- Stephen Vincent Benét
- Damon Knight
- Fritz Leiber
- Robert A. Heinlein
- Will F. Jenkins
Ray Bradbury: The Last Interview |
Science Fiction: The Science Fiction Research Association Anthology |
Conversations with Ray Bradbury |
Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles |
From the Archives of Evil # 2 - John Collier
- Jack London
- Theodore Sturgeon
- Henry Slesar
- H. Russell Wakefield
- William Fryer Harvey
- Saki
- M.R. James
- Ray Bradbury
- Massimo Bontempelli
- Arthur Conan Doyle
- H. P. Lovecraft
 New Tales of Space and Time New Tales of Space and Time - Kris Neville
- Reginald Bretnor
- Cleve Cartmill
- P. Schuyler Miller
- A.E. van Vogt
- Gerald Heard
- Anthony Boucher
- Ray Bradbury
- Isaac Asimov
- Frank Fenton
- Joseph Petracca
 The Bedside Playboy The Bedside Playboy - Erskine Caldwell
- Ray Bradbury
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Allen Ginsberg
- P.G. Wodehouse
- William Saroyan
Ray Bradbury 3-Book Collection |
They Have Not Seen the Stars: The Collected Poetry of Ray Bradbury |
Midnight Under the Big Top - Stephen King
- Joe Hill
- Neil Gaiman
- Kelley Armstrong
- Tananarive Due
- Lisa Morton
- Amanda C. Davis
- Nayad A. Monroe
- Ray Bradbury
- Norman Prentiss
- G.O. Clark
- Marge Simon
- Bruce Boston
- Robert Payne Cabeen
- David E. Cowen
- Alessandro Manzetti
- Christina Sng
- Stephanie M. Wytovich
- K.A. Opperman
- Ashley Dioses
- Terri Adamczyk
- Robert R. McCammon
- Richard Matheson
- Richard Chizmar
- Billy Chizmar
- Jeff Strand
- Amanda Downum
- Robert Brouhard
- Dominick Cancilla
- Heather Graham
- Josh Malerman
Weird Tales - Henry S. Whitehead
- Arthur J. Burks
- G.G. Pendarves
- Clark Ashton Smith
- Mary Elizabeth Counselman
- Henry Kuttner
- C.L. Moore
- Fritz Leiber
- Ray Bradbury
- August Derleth
- Manly Wade Wellman
- Frank Owen
- Seabury Quinn
- Robert Bloch
- Eric Frank Russell
- Robert E. Howard
- F. Marion Crawford
- Ray Russell
- William Hope Hodgson
- Gene Wolfe
- Brian Lumley
- Steve Rasnic Tem
- Robert Sheckley
- Ramsey Campbell
- Tanith Lee
- Nina Kiriki Hoffman
- Nancy Springer
- H. P. Lovecraft
Black Cat Weekly #73 - Nicole Givens Kurtz
- Laird Long
- Diana Deverell
- Hal Charles
- Richard Wilson
- Ray Bradbury
- Carolyn Wells
- Murray Leinster
- George O. Smith
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Something Wicked This Way Comes & A Sound of Thunder |
La bruja abril y otros cuentos |
The Circus of Dr. Lao and Other Improbable Stories |
 Prietenii Fundaţiei Prietenii Fundaţiei - Isaac Asimov
- Emilian Bazac
- Ben Bova
- Ray Bradbury
- Martin Harry Greenberg
Fahrenheit 451 (Novela gráfica) / Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 |
The Science Fiction Archive #2 - Fritz Leiber
- C. M. Kornbluth
- Phyllis Sterling-Smith
- Ray Bradbury
- Kris Neville
- Lester Del Rey
- Keith Laumer
- Jim Harmon
- Henry Slesar
- Stanley Lee
- Sydney Van Scyoc
- Howard Browne
The Outer Reaches: Favorite Science-Fiction Tales Chosen by Their Authors - Fritz Leiber
- Ray Bradbury
- Clark Ashton Smith
- Isaac Asimov
- Theodore Sturgeon
Caught in the Organ Draft: Biology in Science Fiction - Martin H. Greenberg
- Charles G. Waugh
- Thomas N. Scortia
- Robert Silverberg
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Edmond Hamilton
- James H. Schmitz
- Fredric Brown
- F.L. Wallace
- Ray Bradbury
- John Robinson Pierce
- A. Hyatt Verrill
- Poul Anderson
- Naomi Mitchison
Selected from Dark they were, and golden-eyed |
Vintage Science Fiction: Stories Inspired by Landmark Films |
Ex Libris: Stories of Librarians, Libraries, and Lore |
The Science Fiction Collection. 35 Sci-Fi Books. Illustrated - Ray Bradbury
- Isaac Asimov
- Philip K. Dick
- Kurt Vonnegut
- E.M. Forster
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- Arthur Machen
- Arthur Conan Doyle
- Edwin A. Abbott
- Jules Verne
- H. G. Wells