

2020 • 367 pages


Average rating4


TWs: (mentions of) pedophilia/lolicon

Picked it up based on the synopsis, but I didn't expect the context and how the story would unravel between Niki and Kouichi.. Despite Niki being a pedophile, the message and his (forced but ultimately helped) support for Kouichi was kind of heartwarming. I had to laugh occasionally due to its ridiculous turn of events. The ending makes the reader ponder where the two will go and how Kouichi may develop and figure himself out.

本当にやばい先生が出てきて、でも何だかんだ広一を助けてる二木先生... ストーリは成り立ってて、広一を応援してて一瞬で読んでしまったけど、先生が小児性愛障害者というのは... oh my god lol

March 3, 2024Report this review