3:10 A.M.
2014 • 139 pages


Average rating3.5


Crazy, ridiculous, fun read. The best part? That Henry speaks fluent Cat. His conversations with Lassie, while completely requiring a very large suspension bridge of disbelief, kinda, sorta ring true. As anyone owned by a feline knows. The part where we (and Henry) found out that the apartment had been bugged felt a little too far past believable knowing what we know about the comings and goings of Henry's family and friends. And the revelation about his mother was not so shocking....well the revelation about whether she's still breathing oxygen wasn't. But that part about her possibly conditioning Henry to only be awake for an hour a day, as test run for torture was I'll forgive all that though because the rest was fun. Now on to book 3.

July 20, 2018Report this review