Cover 8

終末のワルキューレ 4巻

196 pages


Average rating4.5


Something that's becoming more and more apparent is the authors' writing ability to make you truly care and root for a character via its personality and its history as depicted by them. Taking this into account, I absolutely adored Kojiro. He's the second-best character of the series so far and another GOD.

This has definitely been said before about the series, but each battle has a clash of ideals or opposing views that enrich the fight as a whole. So, when it comes to this one, I love that the approach they took was that of perfection vs evolution; Poseidon is deemed as the most “perfect” of the gods, that is, he who represents the ideals that make them “superior” to everyone else, meanwhile, Kojiro is deemed as the most powerful loser of all time, because he never won a battle in his life. Yet, what makes Kojiro such an incredible character is not only his undeniable optimism and charisma, but his desire to continuously evolve/improve himself after each one of his defeats. It's his desire to keep pushing despite what people think of him that is truly worth praising.

So, when these two collide in the battle, it paves the way to what I believe is the amalgamation of what the previous fights were all about. The gods, perfect and powerful, vs the humans, flawed but constantly improving. Yep, another epic fight.

June 23, 2021Report this review