Cover 7

終末のワルキューレ 5巻


Average rating4.5


In my review of vol. 3-4, I said that the fight of Adam vs Zeus is one the best and most epic that I've ever read, but now I must add the one of Poseidon vs Kojiro to that list, as well as saying that Kojiro is the other GOD of this manga.

I mean, the amount of intensity, emotion and meaning of the fight is just incredible. Not only this fight closes the narrative arc that started with the first one, but it's basically the amalgamation of all of the motifs and themes established in the previous fights. Towards the climax of this fight, much like in the previous, it just reaches those levels of epicness as well as surprise that just evoke excitement from the reader. Without spoilers, it's basically like the moment between The Night King and Arya Stark but multiplied by 3.

Then, the volume perfectly and smoothly sets up the next fight, which was something I was greatly surprised by. I don't know how these authors are able to deliver one extremely well-constructed and greatly developed fight one after the other.

July 8, 2021Report this review