52 ways to wow your husband

52 ways to wow your husband

This reminds me of [b:The Husband Project: 21 Days of Loving Your Man–on Purpose and with a Plan 5337440 The Husband Project 21 Days of Loving Your Man–on Purpose and with a Plan Kathi Lipp http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1267389974s/5337440.jpg 5404926] a great resource. It is always valuable as a wife to take some time to focus on one's husband and indeed bless him through words and deeds. From this book I especially appreciate the “Wow Wisdom: Bible Verses and wise words to help cover your spouse in prayer.” What an interesting introduction, yet so true... and the term “red-hot monogamy” puts me in stitches... ;) Thanks to Harvest House for providing a copy for review through FIRST. Tour Date: Thursday, August 4th

September 7, 2011Report this review