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7 Rules of Power

7 Rules of Power

Surprising--but True--Advice on How to Get Things Done and Advance Your Career

Extremely mixed feelings. I like the overall idea of “things are not as pretty as they are, and there IS a power struggle going on most of the time, despite you liking it or not”.

But the book itself I dreaded. It's slow, full of “X did this, so he's powerful”. Stories of most famous outliners don't prove anything. The fact that Jack Dorsey lied he founded Twitter is something I couldn't care less. The book is full of strange stories, that don't tell you anything besides “this guy's awesome and powerful “. Then the author adds “I'm not saying you should lie”, just so he can close it with “the person is now I jail”. Well.. okay.

There is some juice in it though. There are interesting ideas, but burried deep down under things like “in order to make yourself famous - write a book and go to podcasts”. Like who's this book for?!

Very general guidance and ideas. I would assume his course has more in-depth, actionable ideas. Or at least some scientific research. In the book it's bla-bla-trust-me kind of stuff.

December 17, 2023Report this review