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A Beastly Kind of Earl

A Beastly Kind of Earl

2019 • 384 pages


Average rating4


I loved Mia Vincy's first book, I really did. But as with Sally Thorne and her second book, this was a disappointment. That's not to say I didn't enjoy parts of it, because I did. However, in this instance, the good nearly outweighed the bad.

Firstly, I had a major problem with the tone of the book. I've never really liked books that have a ‘madcap humour' tone, as I feel like the authors are trying too hard to be funny. In addition, I felt like the hero and heroine had only a handful of interactions together and thus, I didn't really believe in the development of their relationship. Especially because they were in the same house together for a portion of the book, I believe the romance would have been stronger if we had felt that they interacted with each other often during that period. Instead, Vincy lets us know that they spend most of their time in the house alone. I don't even think that these interactions all needed to happen on-page, but a mention of a routine where they spend time together and really get to know each other would have been great. Admittedly, the scenes where they were together were often tender and sweet, but because they did not happen as often as I preferred, they got engaged without really discussing what those years in exile must have been for the heroine. In fact, while this is briefly mentioned it is not really explored, and I feel like that was a wasted opportunity.

I hope that her next book is much better (same goes for Sally Thorne) because I know how lovely their writing can be. I hope I don't discover another fresh author only for their next book to disappoint. That would really break my heart. And... now that I've said it, it's definitely going to happen.

March 21, 2020Report this review