A Beautiful Corpse
2019 • 320 pages


Average rating5


When a seemingly senseless murder takes place in the early morning hours, Harper is unaware that she is about to stumble on one of the biggest cases that she has ever covered.
When her mother was murdered when she was a child, Harper became obsessed with the case. That obsession led her to her current occupation, crime reporter for a newspaper. After her takedown of a beloved police officer, her job has been a little harder, but persistence will pay off in the end.

Naomi Scott seemed like the least likely person to be murdered, but there is something about the case that is nagging at Harper. The main suspect seems to be a perfect fit, but Naomi's father is sure that he is innocent. Harper begins to dig into the case, and what she discovers could cost her more than just a job - it could cost her her life.

This book had me hooked from the very beginning. I could not put it down and read through it in one sitting. If you love a book that will leave you guessing, even if you know who the killer is, then this is the perfect book for you! I hope that there is a sequel, cause now I have to know what happens next!

March 15, 2019Report this review