A Boy Made of Sunshine

A Boy Made of Sunshine

2020 • 292 pages

4.5There's something to be said about Truth in Advertising. Right or wrong it makes me feel like not everything is belly up. A promise made and kept goes a long way to warming my cold cold heart. [a:Colette Davison 17282786 Colette Davison https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1559977072p2/17282786.jpg] keeps her word and [a:Dan Calley 19271091 Dan Calley https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] delivers another warm hug to the soul.Felix is 25 and on the cusp of making it into A list celebrity status but after being a child model and later an actor his whole life he needs and takes a break. Said break lands him, first time homeowner, new puppy in tow, in a seaside community in the north of England. Luckily his house shares a lot with Liam's, a retired detective, giant barrel of a man with a beard close to his chest and a forbidding countenance. He also happens to grow roses and harbor a deep need for care giving which he tries to hide with growly monosyllabic answers. He doesn't stand a chance in the face of Felix's good cheer, easy disposition, and willingness to be cared for.Can you tell I loved this? I listened to it twice because I thought maybe I was just feeling sappy given our current climate. But no. This is that rare story that manages to check ALL the romance boxes without dipping into made-up drama, faux angst, UST, or being ridiculously OTT. The care-taker Daddy and his willing boy aspect is the perfect dash of savory to cut the sweet. Liam took early retirement because the world he saw as a London DC left him with a grim view of humanity but the Fates are kind to him and gift him with Felix (was ever a character more aptly named?). Felix is, as Liam realizes, made of sunshine: not syrupy sweet (though he is sweet), treacly, or naive but warm, comforting, life affirming, and a light in the darkness. Exactly what Liam needs. And Liam is what Felix wants. I loved that Felix wanted Liam's care and not that he needed it. There's a difference. Felix is young and has had many of his day to day needs taken care of by others because that's the nature of the industry he works in but he's not incapable of doing for himself. He chooses to let Liam guide him and care for him. Perfect. As for the rest? Some spanking, some voyeurism, some made to order toys and we have a delightful Daddy/boy story with the perfect balance of kink and RL romance. Dan Calley is pitch perfect in the chosen voices for both MC. His American accent on a female character? Iffy at best but she's only on page briefly so no biggie. The story centers almost solely on the development of the relationship between Felix & Liam and happily so. It's like a two person play with some kinky goodness as a plus. Recommended to anyone in need of a little sunshine. All of us. I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.More good stuff on the blog

October 30, 2020Report this review