A Christmas Carol: And Other Christmas Stories

A Christmas Carol: And Other Christmas Stories

1843 • 224 pages


Average rating4.4


I haven't read many of The Classics™ in my life. I've tried, but I almost invariably give up after a short struggle to wrap my brain around all the flowery, antiquated language on display. While I expected this to be yet another failed attempt, I gave it a go because the story is of great literary importance and because I have a great fondness for a vast and varied collection of its TV and film adaptations. And because, y'know, ‘tis the season.

Once I waded in and the story got going, I assumed I would admire this for its historical significance but feel something of a disconnect from the actual prose; I was not expecting it to stand as an honest to goodness, five star banger of a read even to uncultured swine like myself. But it was! I devoured this. It was genuinely spooky at all the right times! And when the ending came, even though I knew the outcome just as well as anyone else, I was fighting back tears of joy.

A wonderful read. I could see myself coming back to this every year.

December 20, 2023Report this review