A Curse for True Love
2023 • 383 pages


Average rating3.9


Contains spoilers

Still love the characters but something didn’t hit for me in A Curse For True Love.

The plot execution for A Curse For True Love was my least favourite out of the entire trilogy, and this wasn’t because the plot idea was bad but rather the story didn’t flow between events for me, it felt pieced together by plot points and sometimes I felt like the events were told from the wrong characters POVS. I still enjoyed my time when reading, the world and characters held my attention and kept me interested.

The ending between the characters is sweet but fell flat, which replicates exactly how I felt during the end scene of the Caraval trilogy between Legend and Tella.

I really wanted to feel more during Jacks and Evangeline’s encounter at the phoenix tree. The entire trilogy was leading up to this moment, I wanted my heart to break and then be put back together but this didn’t happen. Don’t get me wrong it was a nice ending but the build up to this moment was 3 books long, this moment needed to be longer and more detailed.

I did appreciate the POVS from Apollo but I would have rathered more POVS from Jacks. More of his internal struggles and turmoil. I wanted to read the scene from his POV when he gave his heart away, what he was thinking, feeling and his reasonings. This is exactly where the author could have broken my heart. Instead it was told second hand from other characters, missing out on a massive opportunity to evoke readers emotions.

I am looking forward to reading more books from this author and watching her writing grow. Overall I love her ideas, characters and worlds. Can’t wait to see what she does next.

June 9, 2024Report this review