Average rating4.2
I thought I really enjoyed this book. Looking back on my notes there were a lot of fillers. It was much better than A Feast for Crows, but too many pointless chapters to give it 5 stars.
Jon: Trying to get control of the nights watch. some chapters were brilliant, others a waste. Still one of the strongest characters in this book. Lived hearing more about the Wildlings.
Danaerys: if I hear one more thing about Daario I might scream. She didn't care about the city, so I gave up caring too.
Bran: That's it?.... sure his character is boring, but we finally were getting somewhere! Then silence. George could have easily swapped a pointless chapter for this one.
Theon/Reek. on his was to a redemption plotline. Easy my favorite chapters. The inner struggle, hiding from Ramsay. The chapters were cruel, but he had the best character development.
Tyrion: I'm on a boat. I found a dwarf friend. I get on another boat. I'm sold into slavery. get on another boat. finally almost meet Danaerys. she flies off. I try to find a new boat.
Sir Barristan: Important POV after Dany leaves, and he tells what's happening when she's too busy daydreaming about Daario. chapters just too long and boring.
Quentin Martel. hilarious. boy thinks he can whip a dragon into obeying him. moron.
other Martels : trying to screw over the lannisters I'm ok with that.
Melisandre: oooh visions. I'd be fond with more chapters from her. they actually made me like her.
Random Targaryan kid: who? why. stupidest plotline by far.
Asha Greyjoy: she's horny.... ok..... pointless chapter.
Arya: ooh closure. good. looking forward to what happens next with her.
cersei. got what she deserves. hope they behead her. what's with frankenstein??
Jamie and Brienne: I need more!! let's go!!
Davos: captured again. his plot seems done.
Victorian Greyjoy: I think he's someone to watch. using blood magic. hope Dany crisps him .
epilogue: best part. poor kevan, but FINALLY Varys shows back up. the boom missed his scheming.