A Darker Shade of Magic
2015 • 400 pages


Average rating4


In a world with four parallel Londons, magicians who have the ability to travel between them are extremely rare. One of those is Kell who is from Red London, and besides being a messenger between the King of Red London and the monarchs of Grey and White London, he also tends to smuggle artifacts between them, which is extremely illegal.  It's all well until it isn't, and events have him setting for Black London, which has been ravaged by magic and blocked from the rest, with an unlikely companion.
I enjoyed this book a lot! This is my first V. E. Schwab book, and I loved her writing style. I regret going for the audiobook because it made it take much longer than I would have preferred, so moving forward, I will finish the series with e-books - luckily they are all currently on Kindle Unlimited. I loved the characters in this book. Kell is struggling to feel like a part of his “family”, Lila is quite a badass that I want to see more of, Rhy's love for Kell was very apparent, the Dane twins made my skin crawl, and as much as I disliked Holland during the book, he did not deserve the ending he got.

January 25, 2024Report this review