A Debt Repaid
2019 • 253 pages


Average rating2


I was hoping for good things from this book. I wasn't overly crazy about book one. I couldn't stand Easton. The guy was a butthurt douche over something that was never even Charlotte's fault. That said, I had hopes we'd get a better Easton in this one...we didn't. Well, not until 65% at which time he just turns into husband of the year because Jill (who suddenly has feelings for Easton) states the freaking obvious to him. On top of that, this is the second book in the last few days that has the hero sending pornographic photos of the heroine to her father
Ugh...anyway, I could go on and on nitpicking, but I won't. This duet just didn't work for me. However, I am just one opinion in a sea of many, so keep that in mind when deciding whether or not you want to read this book.

June 23, 2019Report this review