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A Demon Made Me Do It

A Demon Made Me Do It

2011 • 325 pages


Average rating4


This book was way better than I expected. I thought it would be a really dark and eerie demon slaying kind of book, but it was actually a tale of acceptance, facing your fears, and coming into terms with who you really are, even the ugly bits that you hate about yourself.

Whenever I read a book with characters with different personalities I always end up loathing at least one of them, but that didn't happen with this book. I loved all the characters, both demons and humans. They all had their own charms. The plot is also well written and unique, although the pacing and switching of POVs ticked me off at times.

It had it's fair share of teen angst, but not enough to make it too annoying, so that's good. Oh, and I have to say, the guys in this book are sizzling hot. I mean, I guess most paranormal young adult books need hot guys to add an extra oomph of, err, paranormal-ness, but the guys in A Demon Made Me Do It had a hotness meter of a burning fury of a thousand suns. And i'm not even exaggerating here. Oh, and I loved Lucky so much, it scared me. She reminded me of Cara Mason from Legend of The Seeker, with her leather outfits, extreme bad-assery, and all that.

It's very easy to relate to the story since all of us have a side of ourselves that we don't really like and all that. It also had a lot of adrenaline filled butt-kicking scenes, which I loved. It wasn't too serious though, with the characters' deadpan humor making me chuckle here and there. All in all it was a pretty good book, and I honestly enjoyed it.

May 23, 2012Report this review