A Duke by Default

A Duke by Default

2018 • 384 pages


Average rating3.6


This series is my kind of romance novel. Royalty love interest, but in this case the love interest doesn't know he's nobility at first. I could really relate to the main character's insecurities and lack of self worth and her inability to take a compliment. And its was great to see her grow throughout the novel and learn and accept that she is a bad ass who does get shit down and that its just harder for her to do because she's wired differently. The male love interest was interesting, he is a modern day blacksmith who is crochetty on the outside but has really soft mushy corners. I didn't LOVE him, i think i needed him to be a little more squishy on the outside but overall this was a quick and enjoyable read that felt like it ended abruptly.

September 7, 2020Report this review