Cover 6

A Espada Selvagem de Conan - A Coleção - A Cidadela dos Condenados

A Espada Selvagem de Conan - A Coleção - A Cidadela dos Condenados


Average rating4


It is, without a doubt, an excellent start. Conan's first tales that appear on Savage Tales are pretty cool, especially Red Nails (1973) and The Lurker From the Catacombs (1974), but I confess that I don't like Barry Windsor Smith's art. I understand that it was an editorial decision to take forward the Conan publishing project on Marvel Comics, but Smith's style annoys me a lot. In this sense, it is a volume of very uneven quality, in my opinion, with excellent stories alongside poor ones, accompanied by an artistic quality that is sometimes exquisite (Gil Kane's art is awesome) and those by Barry Smith, Jim Starling and Al Milgrom, which are not my favorite at all. In my opinion, The Secret of Skull River (1974) is the worst story in this collection.

August 18, 2020Report this review