Average rating4
Even at those moments when Life After Life got a little plodding, I gave Atkinson the benefit of the doubt because I liked Ursula and her family and I liked the conceit of the novel: keep trying until you get the purpose of your life right and accomplished. I ended up really liking the book.
This novel, however, is requiring more fortitude than I have to stick with it. Teddy is dishonest with himself and others; his late wife Nancy sounds insufferable and mean; Viola, their wildly self-centred and delusional daughter, is loathsome. . . and the whole tale is boring boring boring. Yes: the war changed things for Teddy's generation and those that came after just DIDN'T UNDERSTAND–but one could have tried, now couldn't one have, Teddy?
Atkinson writes well and she's obviously mining a vein that's important to her but, as a reader, I really want at least ONE character in your novel to be someone I give half a rat's behind about. MMMkay?
I stopped listening during chapter 9. Poor Sunny is odious, even though it might not be his fault. Why does everyone have to be totally miserable and Teddy's only bright thoughts those about his “idyllic” childhood with his self-centred mother and the servants? UGH I tell you, UGH.