A Great Marriage

A Great Marriage

Generally a book gets stronger as it goes along but unfortunately for me, this one did the opposite. I was immersed in the narrative from the beginning, as we're introduced to a couple just prior to their wedding and her parents, who are still very much in love after years together as well as assorted other characters (work colleagues, best friends, etc.) The writing was well done, the situations realistic, and when an unexpected event out of left field tears the couple apart, I was intriguing to see how not only the couple, but everyone around them, attempted to reboot their lives. The premise was an interesting and unique one and I was hooked until around the middle when things began to go off the rails, pieces kept conveniently falling into place, people acted in uncharacteristic ways, loads of other couples were formed (too many to keep up with) and the straggling threads were so neatly tied up in a bow, I had to wonder if this world was just a little too good to be true.

May 23, 2024Report this review