A History of Satanism: Telling How the Devil Was Born, How He Came to Be Worshipped as a God, and How He Died

A History of Satanism

Telling How the Devil Was Born, How He Came to Be Worshipped as a God, and How He Died



Average rating2


By far, this was the most disappointing read thus far this year. Between the rather boring and sometimes annoying reading style (for lack of a better phrase) from the narrator and the mostly uninteresting chapters—although there were a fair share of interesting history and moments—I wasn't really intrigue beyond a raised brow occasionally. Specifically, when Satan himself is being talked about—his origin and rise to infamy constitutes most of these moments. Also, I did find the origin of “devils” kind of interesting too. But for most of its two-hour run-time, I felt like I was scraping the bottom of the barrel for moments as interesting as these. Far as the actual writing style, it ran relatively bland compared to other historical nonfiction I've glimpsed at, but this wasn't the worst aspect of the book: boring but not poorly written.

April 29, 2023Report this review