A House at the Bottom of a Lake

A House at the Bottom of a Lake

2016 • 208 pages


Average rating3.2


This isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea. Let's just get that out of the way.

A lot of people tend to be disappointed in a story that doesn't explicitly give you every detail and answer by the end. And this story is no exception. I've seen a lot of mixed reviews for this book because of that very reason.

I, however, LOVED the mystery surrounding the story and how the author chose to reveal and conceal details at just the right moment to give me goosebumps. Is it a horror story? Probably not in the sense that you're immediately thinking of. But I was definitely scared while reading it.

Something else I loved was how authentic the teenage characters felt in this book. Reading about them falling in love felt so instantly familiar and comfortable, like snuggling with a favorite blanket.

Overall, I highly recommend this suspenseful and touching read.

February 10, 2021Report this review