Average rating4
3.5 stars. I guess I like snarky Alexis Hall better than earnest Alexis Hall. I applaud him for having a transgender MC in a historical romance and for making Very Important Points about the constraints of 18th century gender roles. But honestly, the book was just too long and ponderously slow, and other than Viola's sister-in-law, decidedly lacking in humor. I see several reviews calling this Hall's best book ever, so obviously I'm in the minority, but I much preferred the farce of [b:Something Fabulous 58377135 Something Fabulous (Something Fabulous, #1) Alexis Hall https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1629130515l/58377135.SY75.jpg 91133409] or the sexual shenanigans of the Billionaire series ([b:How to Bang a Billionaire 31423483 How to Bang a Billionaire (Arden St. Ives, #1) Alexis Hall https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1488428154l/31423483.SY75.jpg 52115149], etc.).Definitely worth a read if just for Hall's hilarious Reading Group Guide and Questions for Discussion at the end.