Average rating4.4
Executive Summary: This was very interesting. I enjoyed his stories about Malcolm in the Middle and Breaking Bad best, but he's lived a pretty interesting life so far.
Audiobook: Byran Cranston does an excellent job in narrating his own book. He pulls out a little Hal and some Walter White when appropriate, among some other extras that make doing this in audio a bonus.
Full Review
I picked this up on sale last month along with several other nonfiction books. I (like many people I image) loved Breaking Bad. I first encountered Brian Cranston on Malcolm in the Middle. Or so I thought.
I vaguely remembered his role on Seinfeld, but never put together that's who he was until much later. When I first heard about Breaking Bad I thought “the goofy dad from Malcolm in the Middle?”, but he showed he has a lot of range.
Cranston was a working actor for most of his life, but he's a huge name these days. He has a lot of interesting stories about his life and his career. I found this to be an entertaining book. If you're a fan of the actor, you may find this one worth picking up.