A Light through the Cracks: A Climber's Story

A Light through the Cracks: A Climber's Story



Average rating2


I wish I had enjoyed this book more than I did, but the pacing and storytelling style made it a bit difficult for me to really get into. The beginning of the book was very insteresting as she discussed her harrowing experiences and jumped back and forth in time between the incident and a few years later, describing how it deeply it affected her. This was when the book was at it's best and I feel like how the book was marketed. However, she did not go too deeply into the experience and after several chapters rarely referenced it or the lingering effects. The book then felt more like a description of her climbs and career and relationship troubles. I think that we were supposed to understand that these issues were partly because of the experience, but as someone who is not a climber and not invested in the sport, that intent did not come through and it was fairly boring. Her story is amazing and I did enjoy reading her growth and personal journey, but overall it was not written well enough to have any lasting impact on me.

April 30, 2024Report this review