A pet for Petunia

A pet for Petunia


Average rating4.5


Petunia wants a pet skunk. Desperately. But her parents refuse. They tell her that skunks stink. Petunia is so angry that she sets off into the woods to get a skunk for herself. She finds a skunk and he sprays Petunia. The skunk does stink. Petunia returns home to her stuffed pet skunk. And then she decides she wants a pet porcupine.

“Petunia likes skunks.
No, that's not exactly right.
Petunia loves skunks.

‘They have cute little noses.
They have big black eyes.
They're black and white
and they have STRIPES!'

Petunia tells anyone who will listen
just how perfectly awesome skunks are.”

November 23, 2011Report this review