A Pioneer Christmas Collection

A Pioneer Christmas Collection

2013 • 445 pages

Still reading... writing thoughts as I go...


From what I can tell, these are all original to 2013.

Defending Truth by Shannon McNear

This is my first experience with Shannon McNear. It appears not only does she have a story in [b:A Pioneer Christmas Collection|17214098|A Pioneer Christmas Collection|Lauraine Snelling|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1360056085s/17214098.jpg|23697732] but also in the upcoming [b:The Most Eligible Bachelor Romance Collection: Nine Historical Novellas Celebrate Marrying For All the Right Reasons|23214089|The Most Eligible Bachelor Romance Collection Nine Historical Novellas Celebrate Marrying For All the Right Reasons|Erica Vetsch|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1411447283s/23214089.jpg|42756471].

The Calling by Kathleen Fuller
A Silent Night by Anna Urquhart

A Pony Express Christmas by Margaret Brownley

I have to admit I love the title of A Pony Express Christmas but then Margaret Brownley's titles always are fairly witty (as is her wonderful writing!)!

A Christmas Castle by Cynthia Hickey

Now if I loved the pony express title, I'm truly in love with the A Christmas Castle title! I cannot wait to jump into this story.

The Cowboy's Angel by Lauraine Snelling
A Badland's Christmas by Marcia Gruver
Buckskin Bride by Vickie McDonough
The Gold Rush Christmas by Michelle Ule