A Place in His Heart

A Place in His Heart


Average rating3.5


I received a copy of this book from the author for review purposes. I'm a fan of historical fiction and good Christian fiction, so i was expecting good things from A Place in His Heart, and it didn't disappoint. The book tells the story of Mary Langton and Barnabas Horton. Mary and Barnabas get married following the death of Barnabas' first wife. At the time of their wedding, Barnabas has plans to move to the New World to escape increasing religious persecution, but he does not share those plans with Mary. Mary finds herself trying to win the heart of Barnabas' older son, to learn how to handle the responsibilities of a household, and to prepare herself for a journey to America that will take her far from everything she's known. As the story unfolds, Mary struggles to understand why Barnabas doesn't seem to love her the way she loves him, Barnabas tries to learn how to love again, and they both seek God's will throughout. Sometimes more urgently than others, but they never completely forget that God is in control. I felt like Mary and Barnabas were friends by the end of the book, and I hated to say goodbye. The language used fits with the time period, but is still easy to understand, and I would encourage anyone who likes historical fiction, a lovely romance, a story with a Christian message, or all three, to pick up A Place in His Heart.

May 19, 2014Report this review