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This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
I'm torn between quotations to open with, on the one hand, you have this one which captures the environment this novel takes place in – it's a perfect encapsulation of the frustration of so many civilians. Particularly the ones in the town near the focal crime.
Fear: the crucial word. Most people would live their whole lives untouched by crime, yet they still feared it, and that fear was real and smothering. The police force existed to allay such fears, yet too often was shown to be fallible, powerless, on hand only after the event, clearing up the mess rather than preventing it.
He checked the radio to see if anything bearable was being broadcast, but all he could find were rap and dance. There was a tape in the player, but it was Rory Gallagher, Jinx, and he wasn't in the mood. Seemed to remember one of the tracks was called “The Devil Made Me Do It.” Not much of a defense these days, but plenty of others had come along in Old Nick‘s place. No such thing as an inexplicable crime, not now that there were scientists and psychologists who'd talk about genes and abuse, brain damage and peer pressure. Always a reason . . . always, it seemed, an excuse.
Knots & Crosses
A Question of Blood