A Shiver of Snow and Sky

A Shiver of Snow and Sky

2017 • 350 pages


Average rating5


This book was soo DAMN SOLID.
It is just the perrrfect December read: It's not too long, ‘cause no one has time during that time of the year - and the atmosphere of that cold and snowy island is on point.

Everything happens quick but it doesn't feel rushed. Because, let me tell you, I believe that's one of the worst qualities a short book could have. ASOSAS takes it's time but doesn't meander.
The magic is quite sparse but delicately woven into the story.

Now about the characters:
Ósa, our protagonist, could be summarized as the bland looking, outcast girl - a trope that so many are tired of - but I adored her. Hands down one of my favorite protagonist of all time. She is quite frankly a perfect example on how the trope is done right.
What I really liked was that the reader wasn't given a lot of descriptions on the characters. However they felt pretty much fleshed out, because as you read you start to fill in parts on their personality on your own. Which I usually don't do.

It's not groundbreaking or the most epic thing, it didn't even brought me to tears (which is admittedly pretty hard)
BUT it was everything that I wanted and I loved every little, frigid moment I spent in the world of Skane.
Oh, and beware: It can be quite gruesome.

PS: It brought me out of a reading slump, so that's a plus as well.

December 26, 2018Report this review