A Vintage Affair

A Vintage Affair

2021 • 164 pages


Average rating3.8


Some books go great with a drink, and in this case that drink is a nice glass of wine. I wasn't in the mood for wine, but reading this I couldn't help it, I had to get a glass if only just to know it's there.

I had this short story on hold for a while now and I kind of lost my interest for it. I have this habit of getting books then getting other books and reading the newest I get instead of going through them in an orderly fashion. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Anyway, A Vintage Affair proved to be a great novella and I enjoyed reading it. Right now, as I'm thinking about it, I really love what Josh Lanyon did there, from start to finish. The plot was constructed beautifully, nothing was left to chance, and I had fun trying to figure out who was the bad guy there.

I liked both Austin and Jeff, and I liked how things evolved between them, although at times I felt sad and just a tiny bit deceived—I think that's the word I'm looking for. I probably could relate to Austin a bit better, but I also liked Jeff's sort of naïveté. He was very in touch with some things while completely oblivious on certain matters.

At first I wanted more insight on the mystery part of the story, but as I kept reading I didn't mind the focus of the book so that kind of solved itself. Then there was a scene in particular that I was expecting to bother me, but it didn't and that was surprising. I think it didn't bother me because I already knew (guessed) the outcome. Or part of it.

I liked the setting, I liked the characters, I enjoyed the story, but I will also say that I would have liked a bit more details overall. Actually, well, I think what I'm truly saying is that I would have liked for the story to be longer. I have some questions about Cormac and I would have said I wanted to know what's next for Austin and Jeff, but when there's a will, there's a Coda, as Josh Lanyon spoils us readers.

March 13, 2022Report this review