A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon

A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon

2023 • 367 pages


Average rating3.4


3 stelle scarse: 2.75 o 2.5.

Review to come.
It was overall a meh read. there were a few points I liked but were treated very superficially to focus more on the romance, which felt shallow, with an immature FMC and toxic side characters.
Glad I have it behind me and I am not sure I want to read about Calladia, which I didn't like, and Astaroth, who was the evil guy.

In terms of plot and pacing, nothing happens, if not towards the end. Many moments are spent around Mariel's mother who is very braggy and toxic and it was totally unnecessary. It just conveys that ridiculous sit-com tone throughout the book that was just cringy. The story was treated very superficially. I was very annoyed by that, because it could have been interesting and more gripping. The book could have been easily 180 pages long to tell the same story without the sitcom episodes with Mariel, her mum and Oz.
Here below a couple of examples:

Diantha took a deep breath, and Ozroth felt a prickle of dread, sensing the arrival of a monologue.
“I suppose I could have gone to the hospital,” she said, “but I wanted Mariel's first moments to be connected to magic, and it's hard to access magic while machines are beeping and a doctor is elbow-deep in your vagina.”
“Please stop talking about your vagina,” Mariel said. Diantha looked at her fondly. “Darling, I don't know how you turned out to be such a prude. We're all adults here, and at least half of us have vaginas. It's the same as talking about an elbow.”
“Is it?” Cynthia asked skeptically.

November 15, 2023Report this review