A Writer's House in Wales

A Writer's House in Wales

2002 • 143 pages


Average rating4.5


Loved this book. I picked it up because it was in the 942 section, and I was looking to read a book from that section for my Dewey Decimal Challenge. Seemed pretty interesting, fulfilled my 942 need, so I went with it.

Reading this while actually in Wales made the whole experience - both reading and traveling - much more vibrant than would have otherwise been the case. When the author talked about the Welshness of slate floors, my feet were on slate floors. When I saw signs around town in Welsh, but heard only English spoken, I knew from this book why that would be. So for me the book felt very fresh and alive because I didn't need to imagine the environment described, I was in it.

Aside from all that, I loved the book because it described in wonderful detail the type of home that I love best, one that is crowded with the evidence of a well-enjoyed life.

April 14, 2012Report this review