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Accessories to Die For

Accessories to Die For: A Mystery

179 pages


Average rating5


Thanks to Net Galley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I love this series! For me, the setting of a cozy mystery series is so important. It informs the kind of mysteries that we get, how they are investigated, and the people involved. This setting of Santa Fe is unique. I haven't read any other cozies set here. This combination of indigenous, Hispanic, and European is so interesting. And this mystery combines all these things. The solution is a bit complicated, but making me think isn't a bad thing.

We get a more in depth look at the recurring characters. And I like I like them better. Adele is complicated and fabulous. Angel is talented with a darker history than I knew. PJ is an actual character and not just romantic lead. Irene cares and ends up investigating because of that. And that is believable.

I really like this series and this mystery as well. I can't wait to see what is next!

November 24, 2017Report this review