Cover 6

Across the Seas


Average rating5



(I'm sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes etc. because English is not my first language!)

First to the characters: The characters in this book do not seem flat but with many facets like real humans; especially Phoenix and Mouse stood out to me!

Phoenix: She is a stubborn and strong character, which fits perfectly to her way of thinking and behaving in certain situations. I love her evolution from book one to book two: She was lonely and only cared for herself to survive in the first book and now she feels responsible for the ones she loves and wants to protect them. Her inner conflict with that topic is also very well done!

Triven: He is a patient, trustworthy and determined character who is born to be a leader- most importantly because he first thinks and then acts. Another great attribute of him is to treat everyone around him with respect, which I really liked. However, I did not like him as much as Phoenix or the next character I am going to present ( I don't know why!).

Mouse: Awww I don't know where to begin! She is the cutest character I have ever read about! She is another character full of facets: On the one hand there is this cute little girl with her childish behaviours like wide eyes or grasping someones hand and on the other hand you have this mature girl who has seen cruel things and is stubborn but also determined to help in every way she possibly can. Despite her certain hindrance she interacts with everyone perfectly. Mouse is by far my favourite character of this series!

Moving on to the author, Jennifer Wilson: She is an amazing writer with very creative and phenomenal ideas! I could always imagine the places or situations in my head which she described in both New World Rising and New World Ashes. Additionally, her books are not only gripping and action-packed but they hit you right in the feels at the same time! I could definitely laugh, cry and be scared with the characters while reading these books.

And now this massive cliffhanger at the end! Throughout the whole book I was sucked into the story, so I just flew through the pages and then there was this last page when it ended and I thought:”NO! This cannot be the end...Maybe some pages are missing?”. But no, this was not the case. It was really the end and I was shocked and left there with a hanging open mouth (but in a good way!:D). Although cliffhangers are not good for our heart and we all hate them, Jennifer Wilson writes the best and most shocking ones.

Conclusion: All in all, both books are a solid 5 stars read to me and I cannot wait to get my hands on the great finale of this trilogy! The New World trilogy is definitely my favourite trilogy that I have ever read!

If you like dystopia just like me- what are you waiting for?! Get yourself a copy of NWR and NWA and read them because you won't regret it!

May 19, 2016Report this review