Addicted To Vengeance

Addicted To Vengeance

133 pages


Average rating3


At first this was a solid 4-5 star extreme-horror-book, intriguing, nice setup, weird idea. But at around 50% I noticed that the narrator was just telling the same few lines over and over and over and over again. About how he felt the last time he delivered vengeance, how he is going to deliver vengeance now, how he's gonna rain vengeance down on those guys, like the other guys before, that vengeance is the sweetest thing, that he has to deliver vengeance in a really brutal way, so when he's going to deliver that vengeance, they will know he had delivered vengeance, and he will feel like the other time he delivered vengeance and it's the best feeling. It's just so repetitive, I started to skip almost entire pages because he just went on and on without actually saying or doing anything that moves the story forward. The book could have been 30 pages shorter, easily.

I don't know if it's on purpose, to really “get into the mind” of this guy, get a glimpse of his addiction and what it does to him, but it just felt too much for me, like the author really tried to stretch a novella into a novel.

Despite that gripe, I still had a good time reading this. I ‘enjoyed' most of the story and I can recommend it to any fan of extreme horror and splatterpunk.

March 25, 2024Report this review