After Felix
2020 • 266 pages


Average rating3


Mixed feelings. This was recommended to me as one with a great grovel. All I have to say to that is

Points to Felix for saying no to that shit multiple times even though he was secretly gagging to go back. I'll give him that. Very well done, baby. You did so well.

But the thing is, weirdly enough, I don't feel like Max tried. The first time, at the boat-that MF was too much of a coward to even get it out.

This business of hurting people then saying.... I see you're doing better now, you deserve the best so imma let you have it-cop out. So I don't count the boat scene as Max trying. But it counts as a time Felix had a spine because he saw the waffling, CORRECTLY identified it as Max trying to make himself feel better about being an overall dick and shut that shit down.

Two and a half years of drinking yourself silly and fucking every man in London is NOT an attempt at a grovel. Just yet another instance of Max feeling sorry for himself and wallowing rather than do anything substantial to fix things.

Also —neither is ingratiating himself into the lives of Felix's family and friends. Why are you - a random ass ex off the streets of London who told me you were in love with your best friend AFTER I overheard it, mind you(didn't even have the decency to tell me prior) - popping up everywhere I go? gone and stay gone OMFG that is NOT a big ask!!!! Just floating around everywhere like a 6"2 ghost.

And let me not even say too much on how I HATEEEEEEEEEEEE romances where the MC needs to be TOLD he's in love with the other. You fuck up every damn day and twice on Sundays and you STILL can't figure it out at your big age? 47, mind you. He HAD to be talked through the steps?!?

And that spin of the loyalty to Ivor blinding him......nah. I would have respected him more if he'd stood on business because all this heartbreak for what if you weren't even in love with that man?

If it had been.....yeah, I was in love with him, have been for years but you left me and then I realized (preferably on my own because I'm not a dumb ass bitch) that I'd fallen out of love with him and in love with you — that I could buy.

But this rewriting history stuff, no.

Also, the fuck up was entirely his but he needed the whole community and their cousins to run interference for him. WHEN ARE YOU COMPETENT? First Zeb. Then Connor. Then a random ass former hookup whose name I can't recall. Then his former editor. Then Ivor and Henry. Then Misha.

Why does everyone know you're in love with him EXCEPT him? What is this 'pity me' behavior?

And then you have to concoct some lie to force him into close proximity with you so you can enact a 97-step plan to lovebomb him and try to win him back.

No wonder the poor kid says, "I give in."

Brother ewwwwww.

Anyway. TL;DR- Love Felix. Did the best he could. Held off long enough. More MCs should pick a leaf. Hate Max. Emotionally constipated and literally had to squirrel this man away from his life just to convince him to get back with him. But Felix loves him so I guess we must put up with him.

Love wins, I guess. 🚮

July 6, 2024Report this review