After the End


Average rating3.4


I may be the first to really review this! Yay! Let me just say that I had not read Amy Plum before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. The premise sounded great, if a little similar to Running Out of Time. Well, throw all of that out of the window. This is a very original read. I think it would be best if I just point out some stuff: Juneau is one of the bravest, coolest lead characters I have read in awhile. Because we are in her head pretty often, I feel like I really know her and she is a great guide through all of the mystical stuff. I'm a sucker for a survival story, a story about characters on the run, and off grid living. All of that is here and much, much more. Like magic! And sled dogs! And ravens named Poe! I read this in a night, and I couldn't put it down.
Now, the bad: 1. The romance makes no sense (I can't stand when characters on the run have time to fall in love-please. Don't you think there are more important things to be worrying about when being chased by bad guys with guns?) Miles is in no way an equal to Juneau, and his attraction to her seems to surprise him the most because of her stocky build, short stature, and boy hair. HMM. 2. The bad guys are really undefined. Seriously, the sides here are so scrambled, I can't tell which team anyone plays for-except maybe the sled dogs. 3. The title. I cannot seem to remember the name of this book-even while reading it. It's just not sticking in my mind. So, I will now refer to it as “the new Amy Plum book”. 4. It's part of a series, or a trilogy. Whatevs. This sucker does not really end, and now starts the LOOOONG wait for the sequel. That means I will be back in the situation in which I either have to reread the first one or muddle through, because I do not care HOW big of a fan a reader is of a series-no one can remember everything that happens in a book for a year and a half to two years.

So, overall, a good read that is high on action and doesn't drag. Juneau is pretty kick ass without being full of herself. It's a good read.

December 10, 2013Report this review