All She Wants

All She Wants



Average rating2


I found this book to be average when I wanted it to be so much more. I liked the characters, Tessa and Marci, in the way they showed strong women accomplishing things. But, it also showed these women as irrational and unable to communicate with each other to resolve an issue. I get that when you have had your heart broken, that you want to hide yourself off from the world and you become bitter and angry. But Marci's character is an extreme of this. The trust issues that existed between Tessa and Marci threw up red flags for me for that relationship. Even if the sex was earth-shattering (which I wish had been described in more erotic detail), the trust issues signaled doom to that relationship throughout.

From a couple that was so sex hungry, it seemed like their sex was pretty repetitive and not that outside of the box. I would have expected more adventurous sex between them with toys and other accessories. Instead, the sex was pretty much isolated to tongues, fingers, and a glossing over of what happened during their times together. I wanted much more in this category.

Overall, the story is ok, but it could have been so much more.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

September 9, 2019Report this review