All the Little Things

All the Little Things

2022 • 330 pages


Average rating4


“God I wanted her. So bad. Not just to be her first, but her second, her third, her last. I've felt her heart calling to mine for years. Even during the two years we were apart, I still felt it.”

Kit and Ryker. What can I say really?
Kit is Ryker's best friend's little sister. They've grown up together. Kit being 2 years younger than Carter and Ryker meant the two were insanely protective over her.

When an unexpected situation takes Ryker away from her and her brother, Kit is angry. Not only does he leave without saying goodbye, but he doesn't reach out for two whole years.

When he returns to watch over her for a week all her feelings from when she was younger return and she realized there was no getting over Ryker. Ryker realized there was nothing that could stop him from falling for Kit. Both dealing with their own demons, they take a plunge.

“The little things with the right person make all the difference.”

This book is heartbreaking and beautiful. This story isn't just about Kit and Ryker. It's about coming of age, it's about love and friendships , it's about enjoying all the the little things. Rachel Leigh has truly brought us a phenomenally breathtaking story that keeps you enthralled from the very first page.