Allegiance of Honor
2016 • 496 pages


Average rating3.9


Contains spoilers

💬: "Hawke bared his teeth. When Stenson flinched, he realized the gesture had been more lupine aggressiveness than human smile. Ah well, the man would have to get used to dealing with wolves sooner or later.

Singh, Nalini. Allegiance of Honor (Psy-Changeling Book 15) (p. 173). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

📖Genres: paranormal romance, romance, urban fantasy, adult

📚Page Count: 479

🎧Audiobook Length: 15h 08min

👩🏾‍🏫My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3.75/5


Allegiance of Honor is the 15th book in the Psy/Changeling series by Nalini Singh. This book has

partly to do with the characters of past books, almost everyone makes an appearance. Although there is a current threat in the story, a lot of the book's focus is on past characters and how they're doing in their friend and romantic relationships. Sascha and Luca's cub is in danger, there's a group of people rumored to be targeting their baby and they have to do everything they can to protect her and other members of the pack.

This story was was 50% catching up with past characters, and the other 50% was dealing with the current threat in the books. It was nice to see how the characters in their relationships progressed but it seemed like these parts were dragging on. We also got to see a few pregnancies in action. There were so many characters to address in this final Psy/Changeling novel that it was a bit hard to keep up with who was who, even though I started this series just about one year ago.

The spicy scenes were okay, we got several spicy scenes of characters in different relationships but it was just okay. I would have liked to stay with a specific couple and read their spicy scenes instead of switching couples for every scene. I'm giving it two chilies 🌶️🌶️ out of five chilies

Overall, Allegiance of Honor was just okay, there were interesting parts and some not so interesting parts. This was a novel to wrap up character relationships and situations to end the series. We all know now in 2024 that there is a follow up series, one that I'm excited to start soon. I'm giving this book 3.75 stars out of 5.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3.75/5 Stars

I listened to this for free on the library app []

April 9, 2024Report this review