Alpha Heat
2018 • 424 pages


Average rating5


5 stars for the heat scene alone. It was just everything, everywhere, all at once. Extremely funny, extremely unrealistic, extremely satisfying.

Xan MIA.

Caleb in heat.

Vale in labor.

Jason trying and failing to control his raging erection to his best friend's omega WHILE his own omega is in labor.

Jason ALSO somehow finding time to hit Urho whenever Vale screams in pain during the delivery.

Caleb ALSO choosing this moment to assert himself and demand his HUSBAND'S LOVER fuck him, in the absence of his husband. No one else will do.

Janus randomly doing his best to die off-page in the same house where everything has already gone to shit and nobody can prioritize his terrorist ass.

Cool as a cucumber Urho losing his shit at everything.

Nah. This was exceptionally good. No notes.

I didn't feel the 15 and a half hours it took to listen to all of this. This was supremely well done. Michael Ferraiuolo did a great job on the narration.

April 5, 2024Report this review