Cover 6


2018 • 273 pages


Average rating4.3


Where to start - simply, wow! I just finished Alter, and my emotions are raw. This is such a powerful book, and is one of the best by Jeremy Robinson that I have read.
The story grabbed me from the start, and I couldn't put the book down. Alter is the story of Greg, a doctor, who has flown to the Amazon to help the native tribes. But on his way there, he is in a plane crash, and is stranded in the Amazon jungle, alone, far from civilization. This is the story of his survival, and how he changes, both mentally and physically, in order to survive. The story is fast paced and exciting, raw, brutal and violent. But it is also full of strength and love. It is totally enthralling, and leads you through a gamut of emotions. I admit, I shed a few tears at the end of Alter, and will be thinking of it for a long while to come.

January 1, 2019Report this review