Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists

Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists

2019 • 207 pages

I put this on my “merica” shelf as most of the book covers Americans and America, with some sections on The UK & Europe and a few mentions of other places. This is a great place to start or as a refresher; lots of ‘bite size biographies', key concepts, major events, and terms. It covers a lot. This would have been great to have had in high school, although I don't know if my AP US history teacher would have liked it.

It also made me tear up in places. Progress is not linear, nor is it universal.

In an ideal world, I think this would have been a three (mayyyybe four) volume collection, going a little deeper with the background of folks and more historical context. So much is covered, I read this in multiple sittings, sometimes pausing to digest; it's really an ambitious premise.

I was impressed with how she wrote about Margret Sanger.

November 22, 2023Report this review